Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body and Spirit.
Queen of Peace Catholic School offers opportunities for parents to be involved with their child’s education, such as PTO, Dad’s Club, and volunteering coach positions. Each parent is required to obtain volunteer hours. All volunteers are required to have Safe Environment Training.
The mission of the Safe Environment Training Office is to prevent sexual, physical or emotional abuse and/or neglect of children and young people through continued education, building awareness, and maintaining a commitment to keeping all children and young people safe.
The Diocese of Phoenix is committed to protecting all children and young people by offering several abuse prevention educational sessions. The Diocesan Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Minors requires all clergy, employees, volunteers that directly serve minors, volunteers that work in food pantries/provide meal service, provide ministerial service in private homes, adults administering service in an after school program, and minors to attend training on an annual basis. All other volunteers must attend training every other year (unless annual training is required by the Pastor).
Different training sessions are available for parents, youth and those serving in ministries. Class descriptions, requirements and registration are available here.
Please continue to pray for the end of all abuse and a greater respect of the human person.